Another Montreal Buddhablogger!!! REALLY! Searching for Satori

2011 March 17

While egosurfing and self-Googling, I came across a blog that had mine listed in its blogroll and read a few posts… Impressed with what I saw, I checked the sidebar and saw to my surprise THIS BUDDHABLOGGER IS FROM MONTREAL!!!

Oh I know I shouldn’t be all attached to the label of Montreal, but I’m just thrilled to see that another person in my region is sharing their experiences on the path - well, so close to the proximity of the actual physical path that I’m on.

So check out Searching for Satori who is doing a great job of documenting the journey with honesty, truth and widsom. I wish I would have found your blog earlier.

For all you other Montreal Buddhabloggers, Buddhatweeters, Spiritual Seekers- I’d love to organize a get together (online or offline) to share stories, help you get started online or generally just meet other members of the Montreal sangha. Please drop me a line if something like this interests you.

One Response leave one →
  1. Brian permalink
    March 18, 2011

    Wow, I don’t know what to say, -Thanks for all the positivity !

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