From the Horse’s Mouth

2009 December 10

I just wanted to direct you to a post over on the Shambhala Sun Space in which Rod Meade Sperry, the Shambhala Sun’s Editor of Web Publications gives some of his thoughts on the recent kerfuffle in the buddhablogasphere and gives his perspective on a question posed by James of The Buddhist Blog as to whether some Buddhist magazines are behind the times.

I’ve already given a bit of my perspective on this issue so I won’t put you all through a rehashing of that tale, but I would like to give kudos to the Shambhala Sun Foundation for their willingness to work with social media, digital communications, new technologies and for engaging and creating conversations with Buddhists and non-Buddhists of all stripes. One need only to read this article on Dharma 2.0 in their January issue to see that they get it. I’ve been a longtime fan of the Shambhala Sun but this issue seemed like it had a shot of espresso in it and I was buzzing after I devoured it. There was a great balance of embracing the new and espousing the foundation provided by the teachings and teachers that have brought us to this point.

As mentioned in a related post, I work in the social media space. I’ve made a living out of connecting people, creating and managing communities. I am thrilled when I see people connecting online (I met my husband this way- so yes, I really do believe it can be used for good and not evil). What is different in old media transitioning into this new space is that there is a need for conversations to occur. Editors can no longer sit as gatekeepers of information and content. Readers want to play, create, consume and comment. Those who understand this will be able to connect with the new generation and can harness this for their mutual benefit.

One Response
  1. December 13, 2009

    Like you, I am a sister on the Buddha’s path, and a social media nut. Have gotten so much out of spiritual friendships I have formed on Twitter, and in the blogosphere, that I can’t imagine a world without the wealth of all these connections!

    By the way, I just discovered your blog, and enjoy it so much, that I have added it to my blogroll!

    Deep bow,


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