Hot trend: Startups with Buddhist names

2012 February 29
by Tanya McGinnity

I received a newsletter from Sprouter today which keeps me up to date on what’s going on in the startup world and like some kind of auspicious coincidence, several of the companies they profiled HAD BUDDHIST RELATED NAMES.

ZenCash / Karma…. Soon enough we’ll see Buddhistr and Shinterest. Mark my words

2 Responses
  1. February 29, 2012

    Coming (and hopefully leaving) the world of advertising, I can attest that this is indeed a zeitgeist/meme/trend.

    Just as corporations love to “greenwash” everything and pretend that they’re eco-friendly (to-wit, the new Lorax eco-campaign for a Chevy minivan), others will do or say anything (like the American Republican presidential contenders) to get you to buy in.

    So if they think slapping an enso or yin/yang symbol on their toothpaste or condom or cell phone or coffee/tea will get their product a second glance from you, they’ll do it in a minute. I mean, have you BEEN to a TEAVANA lately? A cup of tea may be around 8 bucks, but look, you’re surrounded with buddhas and tinkling music, so it’s okay.

    Just another lamentable profiteering trend, I guess.

    If tomorrow, the big thing is how everyone should dress up like the guys on Blue Man Group, you can bet the corporations and startups would be all over that like white on… er… blue on man.


  2. March 7, 2012

    Someone should open a nail salon called “Om Mani Pedi Hum.”

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