I’ve missed you…

2014 August 21
by Tanya McGinnity

when in doubt use a photo of a lotus


My gosh friends. I’ve been busy… but also not busy.

I started a new job a month ago where pretty much all I do is read, read, read and write, write, write. This is making a limited amount of energy or overall desire for writing here on this stinky old blog. Add to that the book editing process and really quite honestly, I’m thinking about doing a podcast for the next few months until this book is birthed.

So yeah. Busy but not busy. I had a great exchange with my Practice Instructor and she was such a big help. I’m studying the Four Immeasurables right now and while she is a remote instructor, her advice really hit me. Like hit me hard. It was the advice from a spiritual friend that you just absolutely needed to hear at the moment you needed to hear it.

If anyone knocks the validity of a remote teacher or spiritual friend, I say to them - bah my good friend. Bah. I adore my practice instructor (in Seattle) and treasure her as much as if she was right down the street.

Other than that, the trend on this blog has been lately to be posting a wonk-load of book reviews and while I really enjoy it, I’ve realized I’ve overextended myself in trying to read ALL THE DHARMA BOOKS. So less reviews, more personal practice and study and more personal blogging. I want to go back to the kind of posts that likely brought y’all over here in the first place. There are enough book review sites. There aren’t enough struggling to get on the cushion, whiney girl, Gen X-er Buddhist blogs out there. In advertising, we call this the USP- Unique Selling Proposition. It could also be my elevator pitch if you are of the start-up variety.

Other than a new job, great help from my practice instructor, turning down the book reviews and turning up the personal posts… not really much else going on around here.

How about you? What have you been up to?

I’ve missed you.

5 Responses
  1. August 22, 2014

    TAKE THE BUDDHISTS BOWLING. . . take them bowling. Here’s a word of advice from Engaged! and it looks like you could use it yourself.


    and here’s my re-written version of the tune:


    • Tanya McGinnity permalink*
      August 22, 2014

      I was meaning to post the link to this post as I loved it so very much. Could I just re-post it over here since it’s a must read?

      • August 23, 2014

        Thanks Tanya, and yes you may repost it anywhere you like. But once again, I have been accused of “Buddhist bashing.” I am sensitive to that kind of criticism and I hear what people are saying. So I’ve removed references to specific Buddhist groups. That seems to be enough that people don’t feel like they’re being personally attacked (same issue as last time). I have to find ways of saying these things without insulting people, but sometimes they really must be said. For instance, this month’s Tricycle magazine published an article called “White Trash Buddhist” which exposes the insidious classism in western Buddhism, and it names names. But cripes, someone has to do it. I applaud the writer for having the guts to write it, and Tricycle for having the courage to publish it. Likewise, two members of BPF who spoke about white supremacy and classism within Buddhist environmental circles (at the recent conference in New Hampshire) were excoriated for bringing up the subject. Yes this is painful stuff but if we never look at it, it never changes. Awareness is 90% of the problem and the solution.

      • Tanya McGinnity permalink*
        August 23, 2014

        Awesome re: re-posting.

        I wonder if much of this is generational in that we grew up one of the first generations seeing ‘Back to School’ specials about ‘issues’ and we learned to speak out rather than those of previous generations who held their shame, anger and sadness inside without any outlet for publishing or discussing it?

        I find there’s a lot of stuff at play when it comes to ‘Buddhist bashing’. Toeing the party line. Not disrespecting the dharma, the sangha. Being a ‘kind person’ who doesn’t say anything negative. It’s a big ball of yarn.

        I think in the famous words of long ago, ‘You take the good. You take the bad. You take ’em both and there you have. The Facts of Life’

        There has to be room for all experiences. Negative/Positive/Neutral experiences. That’s kind of what we’re in this for and to negate any of these is not really experience.

        Have you read this 4 part series? I think it will resonate - http://patriciaivanconnections.blogspot.ca/2013/11/patterns-of-dysfunction-in-groups.html

  2. August 23, 2014

    I’m a distance dharma instructor and it works really well. I’m an editor too, so I know how it is to struggle with too many words in your head from working with books all day. I find a good sit first thing in the morning important for my sanity.

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