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I remember in my early budding Buddhist days of attending talks at the Shambhala Centre, I was always amazed by the level of knowledge, precision and clarity displayed by the speakers. I never imagined I would be able to put myself into the role of delivering a talk or teaching people how to meditate. Yipes! All those eyes looking at me. My posture isn’t straight enough. I’m a shitty meditator with a monkey mind the size of King Kong who lacks focus.

Fast forward to now and I’ve just delivered 2 introductory classes on meditation in the past few weeks.  I’ve been bringing awareness to my technique, my delivery and my thoughts while I’m speaking on the topic of meditation and trying to integrate being present and in the moment with each word that I speak, each question I answer and to cultivate the profound intention to be of help and service in assisting people in developing a meditation practice.

It feels very rewarding.

Posted in is personal.

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