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Growing too comfortable with imprefection

In my former life as a project manager, the devil was in the details. Miss a step and the result could be catastrophic. In my early days of meditation and study, I was the most rigid and upright student perched upon a zabuton and would pour myself into complex texts well above my level of understanding, pushing and forcing myself to get it. Grasp it. Understand.

I hit myself with the stick and really stuck to the practice.

As time ticks on, I see the transformation in my saggy, softening frame as well as in my practice. I’m no longer that supple, marathon meditator. I miss it. I miss the discipline. I think I need a coach.

Time to put down the samsaric Doritos. Oh but they are so tasty.

Time to hide the video game controller. Escapism feels so good, even 2D.

Bodhisattvas aren’t meant to be flabby and lazy are they?

Posted in Buddhism, is personal.

2 Responses

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  1. excellently said. my situation exactly.

  2. Are those the doritos packaged in imprefection (cute). I think I’ve had those before, my buddies sloth & torpor have been known to share a bag or two of these with me while hanging out in front of the telly.

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