Random Linkage: Wilco, Punk Rock Engaged Buddhists, Being Nobody

2014 August 3


Time for a long overdue bit of random linkage. It’s been a while folks. Busy with work and head down with practice and study. I’m also amping myself up for some Montreal Dharma Punx action which I’ve let slip.




  • Lastly, I’ve been doing a bit of reading and practice on the topic of impermanence based on some feedback from my supersmart and uber incisive Practice Instructor. I was watching a Tiny Desk concert with Wilco last night and reminded of the chorus of ‘War on War’. This needs to become my ringtone. (The singalong starts at 14:28)

You have to lose
You have to learn how to die
if you want to want to be alive, okay?

You have to lose
You have to lose
You have to learn how to die
if you want to want to be alive

You have to die
You have to die
You have to learn how to die
if you want to want to be alive, okay?


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