Engage! - A new blog about Engaged Buddhism

2014 June 26

engage!There’s a new Buddhablog out there for those who are particularly interested in Engaged Buddhism (for more details on this term check out this link from Joanna Macy’s website).

Engage! is edited by Shaun Bartone who you may remember from this piece titled “‘Conduct Unbecoming: a Trans*Queer Experience of Dharma’ which was featured earlier here on Full Contact Enlightenment. In Shaun’s words,

This blog is the beginning of what I hope will be a multi-media hub that publishes articles by major and lesser-known authors who are on the cutting edge of engaged Buddhism: anarchists, anti-racists, art activists, animal rights activists, climate justice and environmental activists, culture jammers, decriminalizers, disability advocates, feminists, free Palestiners, greens, immigrant rights, indigenous rights (INM), occupiers, peace activists, poets, prison abolitionists, psyche righters, queer culturists, sex positivists, union organizers, social justice and human rights advocates. I especially welcome articles that examine the systemic causes of individual and collective suffering, systems of ideology and power that shape the issues we face today, and how buddhadharma addresses those issues.

Shaun is also delivering a focus on content from the East Coast of Canada which is an area that, while there are many Buddhists, you don’t really hear much by way of independent media such as blogs, videocasts or podcasts.

I’m particularly enjoying the following posts

There is such great content coming from Engage! and I would encourage you to subscribe or add it to your RSS. Shaun is also seeking contributors, so if you are so inclined, please do get in touch and submit your voice to this essential blog.





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