Montreal Dharma Punx - Take Two

2013 August 30
by Tanya McGinnity

A long, long time ago I was involved in some discussions to get a local Dharma Punx group together in Montreal. It happened and I became a bit more focused in a different sangha so I was a bit on the periphery of the group.  Every once in a while, someone would Google ‘Montreal Dharma Punx’ and this old blog would pop up for them, they’d email me, I’d direct them to the organizer and life went on.

At the gentle nudging of Dharma Punx Godfather Josh Korda who mentioned to me in passing that a Montreal group may be a good idea to get going, I’m looking to reincarnate the previous group, add some new folks to the mix and start up a peer-led sitting group.

Q. Why?

A. Well. I’m into punk rock and I’m Buddhist. Natural fit right. I also want to see a community develop. I want folks to connect. I want to offer up a space for folks to breathe. I want to help.

Q. Will you be teaching?

A. Nope. This is peer-led sitting. I am currently training to be a practice instructor with Nalandabodhi which has its own curriculum for teachers so I’m really just looking to get together on the cushion with folks who like to sit or want to learn how to meditate or who are interested in perhaps taking the Dharma Punx/Against the Stream teacher training and then themselves facilitating the group and providing teachings in the future. That would be rad.

Q. What else can we do together?

A. We can hang out. We can do a book study of some of Noah’s books. We can talk. Bring a demo of your band to play for the group. If you want a Montreal Dharma Punx sangha, let’s work together to build it.

So if you’re interested or have any questions, get in touch. There’s a website with a contact page as well as a Facebook group. Time and space are still to be confirmed but I do have a lovely little yoga studio that will have us as well as a meditation center to check in with.


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