Saving Zanskar
2012 December 10
Zanskar is part of the Kashmir region in India, and has rich historical and cultural ties to Tibet. As Tibetan Buddhist monk Geshe Lobsang Yonten points out, geo-political events of the late 50′s separated children of Zanskar from the traditional Tibetan Buddhist education they had prior to received. Geshe has undertaken the task of giving the children of Zanskar a modern education, external and internal - an empowering practice which he explains in the video - and by doing so enables them a future with choice, while also preserving their cultural history.
Heidi Minx, founder of Built on Respect was the one who tipped off the Daily Doogooder to this video so I thank her for this and all that she does for the Tibetan people. Do check out her latest petition to speak against the Huff Po’s big gaffe regarding the Tibetan cause by visiting this link right here.
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