Calling me out on my bullshit
2011 July 21
In an act of transparency when being called out on my bullshit, here’s a recent comment on a recent post of mine.
12 Responses
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In an act of transparency when being called out on my bullshit, here’s a recent comment on a recent post of mine.
I like your writing - but I don’t see what point you are wanting to make by publishing a troll. Anonymous people write all sorts of things - Samantabhadra’s comment was better suited for youtube.
Oh whatever.
Just spreadin’ the love. I don’t think Buddhist trolls get enough love
Gentle compared to your legion of “fans” huh!
In general, do you find comments like this helpful? My reaction is almost always to be suspicious, not that what was written in this case is “wrong”… it seems to me these statements are almost always self serving interests on the part of the speaker. In some cases it is my relationship to what is said, but also what comes with it is a sense that this is not really offered in a way that is meant to be helpful. It seems the practice is to then separate it all and unravel all the relationships, the attachments - to look inward but also look at the act and not internalize any of it.
I guess what is under all this is a confusion on how community is supposed to help and not hinder practice, because there is always one or two like this poster who is a challenge to be around.
Wow, my grandmother used to tell me, when you point a finger at someone, you have 3 pointing back at you,
just saying,
“Just spreadin’ the love. I don’t think Buddhist trolls get enough love.”
Big hug! Though, there are good hearted trolls and mean spirited trolls….and this dude is the latter. I must find out who he is! There can be only one!
I don’t think the real Samantabhadra would say things like that Keep the posts coming!
It’s a catch 22 in comments because I do appreciate the care and concern a dharma brother has in slapping me with a sandal Tilopa style, however sometimes these kinds of well meaning comments can do little to encourage people along on the path. I get the need for tough love, but there needs to be a bit of honey in the mix too otherwise the balance is off and there remains little but the taste of bitterness.
So true that the practice is to see beyond a few possibly well intentioned (or maybe not so well intentioned) words on a screen, and look deeper. I was a community manager for a startup and a magazine, so I’m not immune to sorting through the tangled cables of human behaviour online.
Thanks for the comment.
That’s a great saying!
Being online means you are going to have folks who aren’t into what you’re saying or doing. As long as I’m not taking people’s money offering them weekend courses guaranteeing enlightenment then I think the world is safe from my little blog
You are my favourite Buddhist troll! Let’s get that straight.
Oh I’m not going anywhere… Unless Angulimala (pre-transformation) decides to come for me and take my typing fingers