Tattoos of Tibetan Refugees: Heidi Minx & Built on Respect

2011 March 13
by Tanya McGinnity

That lovely and inked-up Bodhisattva Heidi Minx from Built on Respect is back in India and capturing videos of Tibetan refugees  speaking to the designs they have etched into their skin and what each represents. It’s fascinating to hear the stories behind how the tattoos were done, where and the various circumstances around each one.

Heidi and Palden Gyatso


She’s adding videos to the Built on Respect blog quite regularly and the current ones featured include Palden Gyatso, a political prisoner held by the Chinese for 33 years who had his hand tattoos removed without anesthetic, Pasang Dorjee who received his tattoo while he was in a Chinese forced labour camp, Pasang - a young Tibetan who says that most of the good girls don’t like his tattoos and Choedon, a nurse and Tibetan-freedom fighter who participates in political activities such as marches and has the dream to return to Tibet - even if it means that she dies doing so.

You can check out the videos below, and visit the Built on Respect website for additional videos as well as information on how you can help to get involved.

Please spread the word and continue to support Tibet. Deep bow to Heidi for all of the tireless work she’s doing to help bring awareness to the plight of the Tibetan people.

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