
2010 December 26
by Tanya McGinnity

Hey party people! What’s been going on?

I do hope your holidays have been lovely - whatever you celebrate or shun. I haven’t been much of a Christmas person for some time. Not having kids, it feels a bit silly to run around buying up stuff and getting all stressed out trying to keep up appearances. I don’t look down on those who feel the the spirit of the holidays. If it feels good - do it.

As an offshoot of this, I do enjoy the media’s emphasis on all of the good works that are being done in the world during this time and hey - if this causes an increase in Bodhisattvic behaviours in our world, then I’m all for that.

What else has been going on? Things have been pretty quiet. Death and rebirth of certain areas of my life. The traditional introspection that goes along with the closing of a year. Recovering from a nasty set of sniffles and feeling the grip of a full-bodied Canadian winter.

I’m thoroughly enjoying participating in a book study group of this juicy bit of writing from Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche. It’s heady material but working through it with several others from the local Nalandabodhi sangha is helping me to analyze and process a bit better than I would if left to my own devices.

What other materials would you recommend supplementing this reading with to help me in my understanding of Mahamudra and Dzogchen? I know there isn’t a magic book out there, but are there any articles, books, audio or videos that you would recommend as supports, this girl would love to hear all about them.

2 Responses
  1. Paul permalink
    December 27, 2010

    Hi Tanya,

    I can recommend two fantastic books as a Mahamudra meditatator myself. 1) Mind at Ease (http://www.amazon.com/Mind-Ease-Self-Liberation-Mahamudra-Meditation/dp/1590301560/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1293439433&sr=1-1) by Traleg Kyabgon is absolutely fantastic, 2) Mahamudra: The Moonlight — Quintessence of Mind and Meditation (http://www.amazon.com/Mahamudra-Moonlight-Quintessence-Mind-Meditation/dp/0861712994) is the bible of Mahamudra. 2) might be a bit in depth but if you are serious then it is invaluable to have on the bookself even if not needed for several years.

  2. Tanya McGinnity permalink*
    December 27, 2010

    Thanks so much Paul. I’m only starting to immerse myself in this area so this is a big help.
    As much as I adore Ponlop Rinpoche’s book, there are quite a few areas that are a bit unclear for me through my lack of understanding, so I always appreciate reading a few perspectives.

    Thanks again!

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