Where is my mind?

2010 January 21

Oh…. Stop.

Well this lack of blogging can be partially attributed to the Mahayana courses I’m taking with Nalandabodhi Montreal and the positive effects its having on my practice. It’s great to be back with the sangha and to be able to discuss the coursework with others who are also navigating their way on the path. The readings are pretty meaty with my old buddies Nagarjuna and Shantideva making guest appearances in the teachings of Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche (the happy looking gentleman on the right).

There’s plenty that I struggle with, especially when getting into the territory of philosophy and partless particles. Whew. What’s important for me is not to get discouraged when I wade into the deep waters of material that would be more apt to frustrate me and scare me away forever from Buddhist studies. I’ve made the commitment that no matter how flustered I get in trying to wrap my head around some of the concepts I encounter, I will work towards generating an understanding of it.. bit by bit.. in due time.

In other news, I’m working well with my current state of unemployment and really dedicating time to figuring out what my true calling in life is. I’ve always hopped into jobs related to the career path I established 10 years ago without regard to whether it was contributing to my inner harmony as well as creating a better world around me.

I can only wish that I can transfer my knowledge in marketing and promotion to be used for good. I’m toying more with creating my own business and have a few ideas rattling around in my head. Given the economy, it might not be the recommended time to jump into entrepreneurship, but I’m embracing the uncertainty and jumping in feet-first to discover my new calling.


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