Wisdom Publication’s lovely new website

2013 December 4
by Tanya McGinnity


Because I am so far behind with everything and anything, I’d been meaning to share this news with you from ahem - September…

Wisdom Publications released a brand new website several months ago which I’m hoping you have seen by now. Perhaps you haven’t and then I will feel validated in posting this so late by your not knowing and then we will both derive some satisfaction. Yay us.

Isn’t the site gorgeous? They’ve really spiffed it up (and I’m in the nerdy world of web so I trust me, I know spiff). It’s easier to browse their large selection, have a catalog that is well-organized and they now offer deeper information on their books and authors. On top of this, they offer DRM-free ebooks for purchase.

If that isn’t enough, they now have a blog which is well worth following.


Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go and peruse their website a bit further.




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