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Where does the time go?

In the past few weeks:

-I started a new job which I love, love, love with a company that I had been swoony over for many years. I am perpetually laughing and learning which has helped me to shake of the string of bad career mojo that I’ve been battling for the past little while.

- My meditation practice has been recharged after a chat with my Practice Instructor. Who knew that having a simple notebook and some goals would make such a difference? Why didn’t I set this up for myself before? Somebody publish a Dalai Lama branded meditation tracker or get an iPhone app together. Sheesh! No time like the present though so I’m not mooning over the time I’ve not spent in meditation, but rather feeling pleased and relieved that I’m able to maintain a stable nightly sitting schedule. That’s big stuff for this lazy, distracted meditator. (Yes I understand I said the word ‘goals’ above and Buddhists aren’t supposed to be goal-oriented. I need goals. Not like the ‘Booyah, I did 500 curl-ups at the gym and I’m better than you” kind of goals, but I think that I personally work best with some degree of strictness and a need for keeping tabs on myself. Might be my upbringing, when I used to track my completed homework or chapters read, but personally I find it helps to note whether I’ve sat a day and for how long. Time to keep tabs on myself.

This begs the question “What are we searching for on the spiritual path?” Take it away Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche…

- I finished reading “Sex and the Spiritual Teacher” by Scott Edelstein. Stay tuned for a review in the next little bit.

- I’m participating in a book club for Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche’s “Wild Awakening” and enjoying the discourse that’s coming out of it. Nothing beats a good sangha meetup where you immerse yourself into some great discussion, generate some questions and leave feeling nourished (or having more questions than you walked through the door with). It’s slow going as we take on a chapter every 2 weeks, but it allows us to really dig into the subject matter and prepare our headscratching questions.

So what’s been going on with you?

Posted in Buddhism.

2 Responses

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  1. Philip Rodgers says

    Check out I have been using this for the last couple of months. The best part is that it allow you to make journal entries after each meditation session. I really enjoy this app and it has revitalized my practice just like you are experiencing with the notebook. Glad everything is going great for you.

  2. Tanya McGinnity says

    Hey Philip!

    That app looks much more robust than the one I’m currently using as a simple timer.
    It sounds so weird for me to say that an app and a notebook are making a difference in my sitting, but I guess they are doing the trick as far as ‘meditation supports’ are concerned. I’m happy that you are having the same kind of rejuvenated practice thanks to technology!

    Add this to the #OMCru and I’ve entered the matrix!

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