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The Mindfulist - Your Life Considered….

What we give our attention to is who we become. Gwen Bell asks this question in one of her recent blog posts and it really struck a chord with me. Gwen was one of the early members of the Buddhist Geeks group and has always inspired me in her ability to work without a snorkel in the deep ego-filled waters of social media (believe me, I take in a lot of water myself).

Gwen and her partner in mischief, Patrick have launched a new site called The Mindfulist in which a daily prompt is posted for participants to reflect on as a means to provide mindfulness in one’s day to day life. Participants are asked to share their experiences with one another via comments on the site and on their respective blogs. The twitter update from The Mindfulist is like a little mindfulness bell for me.

In Gwen’s words:

This year I’m committing to helping cultivate awareness in myself - and helping you do the same. The kind of awareness that you experience when you’re holding a weapon. It is an unflinching understanding that this moment could change everything. You could hurt yourself or someone else. Life asks you to pay close attention. Knowing that each moment really is it. It has all your yesterdays and tomorrows in it.

If you are interested in joining in, please visit The Mindfulist Here you’ll be able to find out more information about how to get involved.

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  1. yes, this is good, like a little mindfulness bell, Gwen Bell. I can never be reminded often enough. It reminds me of a Dogen slogan I love- “Train like your hair’s on fire.”

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