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It’s all Yoga Baby - Montreal-based yogablog

Lovely illustration from It's all Yoga Baby

I’ve been really enjoying It’s all Yoga Baby and am always thrilled when I come across mindful blogs in my neighborhood of Montreal, since sadly they are so few and far between.

What I really appreciate is Rosanne’s no bullshit approach.In her words:

“The intention behind it’s all yoga, baby is to question, provoke thought and shine a critical light on yoga culture ~ but also to celebrate community, service, creativity, the independent spirit and good ol’ fun. I’m fascinated by how yoga is represented in popular culture, and I’m unabashedly anti-consumerist and highly skeptical of the increasing commercialization of yoga in the West.”

It was quite interesting to read this post in which she mentions that another yoga-blogger, YogaDawg speaks of 2009 being the year of the yoga-blogger. In their words:

“This was year of the yoga blogger with their relentless flailing amidst the shout-downs of increasing corporate branding and degradation of ‘true yoga’. To the surprise and amusement of some seasoned yoga bloggers, b-list yogis showed up to comment on their blogs and defended their life style against these snarky yoga malcontents.”

Sound familiar?

Posted in Montreal.

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  1. roseanne says

    ooooh, thanks so much for the lovin’! i’m also excited to discover your blog ~ love your attitude and perspective.