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Elephant Journal’s Buddhablogger round up

Purveyor of hotness and bestness

John over at Sweep the Dust, Push the Dirt has been blogging up a storm over at the venerable Elephant Journal and is running a poll for folks to vote for the Hottest Male Buddhist Blogger (but there are way too many too choose I say!!)  as well as the Best Female Buddhist Blogger.

It reminds me of Homeless Tom’s previous blog Blogmandu round ups that he used to do way back…  which I always loved as a means to discover new Buddhabloggers.

Check out the site to discover some new voices and if you see someone not mentioned, be sure to add them. Oh and do stay a while on the site. There’s lots of great content to keep you well occupied.

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3 Responses

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  1. I am so sad I lost the beauty contest! :-) Hey, I added you to my blog roll! I dig Canadians, my fiancee is from Ontario. hehe


  2. Thanks for the shoutout to John’s silly-yet-connection-rich blog on elephant, hope blogs such as that will help us all work together more and more over the next year. I’m personally hoping to use elephant as a forum for getting the word out on and more traffic to all such like-minded blogs, I grew up in Boulder in Trungpa Rinpoche’s community, and am happy to see our blogger community resounding the drum of Dharma online.

  3. TMcG said

    I adore John’s blog! He’s such a fresh voice in the Buddhablogosphere and I truly do appreciate all the work that you are doing Waylon. Elephant Journal is a great thing and if you are looking to do any Canadian expansion, count me in! Vancouver is the Boulder of the East! - Just ask Gwen Bell :)

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