Judging mind

2012 December 25
by Tanya McGinnity

Because I have the tendency to doubt the authenticity of every photo I see of the Dalai Lama (Oh look. It’s His Holiness waterskiing like in the Go Go’s video ‘Vacation’. Oh wait. Here he is seen on ‘Dancing With the Stars’), I was curious when I started seeing this image popping up on Facebook and Twitter.


Looks to be him. Yup. But could it be some crafty photoshopologist popping in a likeness of the Dalai Lama bowing in prayer when really he’s in front of one of those funky multi-armed, multi-headed green-alien looking creatures that those Buddhists like to offer their babies up to.

I did a bit of research and came across Tsem Rinpoche’s blog where these images are put into context as having come from a visit to Vienna in May and having been taken by the International Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies in Austria and truly is a photo of His Holiness at St. Stephen’s Cathedral.

Now if you can prove this existence of Santa Claus you have your work cut out for you.

Oh wait. Here comes Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche

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