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In my mailbox - Bodhi magazine

bodhimag This morning, I was happy to see the latest issue of Bodhi magazine in my mailbox with the third installment of their review of the four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism focusing on the Sakya school - “the lineage of path and result”.

I find Bodhi magazine’s analysis of the various traditions very helpful as they give in-depth coverage through the use of charts, visuals, biographies, teachings and commentaries related to the key events and figures of each tradition.There is a lot to chew on within the pages of this magazine and always proves to be a worthwhile read.

Bodhi magazine is affiliated with Nalandabodhi, a Tibetan Buddhist organization under the leadership of The Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche. I’d encourage you to check out an issue (or two or three) should you be interested in reading some of the best articles available on both historical and contemporary Tibetan Buddhism.

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